Thursday, June 14, 2007

I don't EMBELLISH the truth

Just wanted to send a shout out to the fantastic folks at Embellish in downtown Tacoma. I ventured in for my first time today and I was oh-so-much more than pleased. Going to get my hair cut and what-not can nearly equate to seeing the doctor in my world-- it freaks me out. I've had wonderful experiences in the past, as well as wear-a-headband-for-six-months experiences. (The latter is so not fun.) The lovely blue-and-green-haired Jade set me at ease quite quickly, and kept me there. She listened to my freaked out I-don't-know-what-I'm-talking-about-but-had-my-hair-screwed-up-
recently jabber and quickly put me at ease. She listened to me, and "listened" to my hair. She did not force a haircut upon my hair's quirks, she embraced my hair's, er, personality -- don't get me started about how my natural "flip" likes to change directions on a regular basis -- and gave me a cut that I do not hate. A cut that I actually kind of like. A cut that I know will be even better once I grow the old hairband-inducing cut out. Color that I've already had compliments on. And all within an easy walk of work. Something that's my lunch break rather than my Saturday.

They call them "daymakers" for a reason at Embellish.

For those who have yet to go there or who haven't been in awhile, it's that awesome and huge purple building just up the hill from the downtown YMCA -- on Court D. It's a fabulous building that I believe owner Patricia Lecy-Davis (not just owner, but president of the Downtown Merchants Group, she's also one of the fires behind Go Local and fellow Tacoma cheerleader extraordinaire) and hubby bought a while back to run their respective businesses in, and I think they might live there, too? No matter yes or no, these are downtown pioneers who put their money and actions where their mouths are. Fantastic business; fantastic people. Complete heart and soul and fabulousness.

Oh, and the space. Completely trendy without being obnoxious. A bit of industrial with urban punk rock chic. But no too much anything to turn anyone off. The staff are wild-haired, but the clientelle runs the gamut. Baby boomers. Nerdy writer girls like me. Wild-haired punk chicas. Sophisticated fashionistas. Musicians. Professionals. And guys, too. And the view of downtown, the mountain and the port is to die for!

So if you're looking for a new place to get those locks loved, you know what I recommend ...

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