Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I bought one, have you? (Support The Helm)

The little gallery with a big heart is selling limited edition Tacoma art posters as a fundraiser to help Peter & Sean continue their mission of providing a fabulous downtown Tacoma venue for artists and art-lovers. Peter and Sean have poured their hearts into this place, and it's added great flavor to Tacoma's increasing number of art options.

Never been? Check out the Helm at 760 S. Broadway (just a few doors down from the triangle Tully's). Their next show, Vanessa La Valle's "Fire, Fire", runs July 17-19. Check it out!

And I can't wait to pick up my poster tomorrow ...

1 comment:

Erik B. said...

I bought one, have you? (Support The Helm)

Nice work Tacomachickadee!

You are saving The Helm.