Thursday, November 29, 2007

Random lost person ...

I'm starting to wonder about the wisdom of 505 Broadway's sales offices being at 711 St. Helens. I ran into a very lost person today, and pointed them in the right direction. But I'm seeing where they got confused ... seeing as Broadway is just a hop skip and away. It would be one thing if they weren't named "505 Broadway" ... but having 505 Broadway sales offices at 711 St. Helens? Which is right at the intersection of some very crazy and confusing streets? Ouch. Great location -- both places. But wow. Confusing. And mostly due to the address naming. I hope they make super-duper extra efforts to let folks know that the name of their place is not the address to their sales center ... as they seem to have some intriguing layouts, including HUGE master suite layouts. Wow. Huge. If you're a couple or single, these master suites rock even in the one-bedroom units. And I think in one 2-bedroom layout I saw a giant closet with a window. These are some very spacious places ... but I don't know the price tags. Not cheap, I'm sure. But worth a look if you can swing it! But if you're looking for the sales office, don't let the name fool you. Just sayin' ...

THE FINE PRINT: Lots of people get lost in this block due to the irregular street layout in this specific area between South 7th and South 9th. It's a fabulous place to shop and wander, but it can be confusing. I just thought it's funny that with all the Marcatos and Triangle Townhomes and other "named" developments, that the one with an address as its name located on a really confusing address corner, and the giant sign out front with the development's "name" doesn't help the matter. But until you build, where are you gonna put the place? So this is more I feel sorry for them having to deal with this conundrum right now. They have a really beautiful set up in that office. I enjoy walking by it. Which bodes well for the final project ...

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