Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas cuteness and predictions of snow ...

Christmas was quite the day in our household. A day of cuteness. A day of cuteness that started at 2 a.m when the eldest woke up to discover that Santa Claus had indeed been to our house. In fact, he'd left new slippers by each of the kids' beds. And despite their needs-t0-be-cleaned room and the 2 a.m. hour, the eldest noticed the slippers immediately and ran downstairs to find all the stockings stuffed. She ran up and told the boy. And he went down to look. And then they came back to tell mom & dad, who feigned polite surprise while giggling inside. And then the blessed children actually refrained from waking up baby sister AND resisted tearing into their presents. Oddly enough, they willingly went back to sleep until 8 a.m at which time ...

The boy bursts into our room and declares that he dreamed about snow. Little flakes, big flakes and definitely snow. And he was convinced, totally convinced, that it should be snowing outside. He peeked out his window, then our window, and was sorely disappointed. Though the whole big pile of presents helped distract him from his unfulfilled dreams for a couple hours.

And then ... it started snowing.

Little flakes. Big flakes. A good couple hours of snow. Not really sticking snow, but it did snow. We got a White Christmas. My son's dream came true. This was a spooky Christmas ...

1 comment:

Matt said...

The snow was pretty awesome huh? We got some on Christmas day too, and had everyone pretty stunned. We got to go get really cold in it and take a few pictures, and then it was polite enough to melt away before we had to drive to the in-laws down south that day. It really was a pretty incredible day.